Information About our Counsellors & Therapists.
All therapist members of the Stockwell Centre abide by national codes of professional and ethical practice and are accountable to their member organisations, as well as the Stockwell Centre. The Centre has a complaints procedure.
Our Counsellors & Therapists
Alina Croitoru Psychodynamic Counsellor. Relational Therapist. MBACP Registered. Tavistock Relationships-approved Couples Therapist for Depression.
Vicky Djordjevic Psychodynamic Counsellor, Group Facilitator, Supervisor, Trainer. Registered MBACP Accredited.
Melanie Evans Integrative Psychotherapist, Couple therapist, Pesso Boyden (body psychotherapy) Certified, UKCP Registered.
David Guy MA Jungian Psychotherapist and Analyst. Member of the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists (IGAP) Registered with UKCP and the International Association for Analytical Psychology. Visiting Fellow, University of Essex Psychological and Psychoanalytic Studies.
Justin Hayes MA Psychodynamic Counselling from University of Essex. Accredited member of National Counselling Society.
Rachel Irvine MA (Hons) Psychodynamic Counsellor MBACP Accredited.
Jeanette Johnston MA. Psychodynamic Counsellor, Systemic Practitioner. MBACP Accredited, UKRCP Registered. Supervisor.
Tisha Kachhapati MA Psychodynamic Counselling. NCPS Accredited and MBACP.
Marion de Landmeter Group Analyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Psychodynamic Counsellor. UKCP Registered, Member of the Institute of Group Analysis.
Jackie Lloyd Psychodynamic Counsellor. MBACP Accredited.
Emily Mercer Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, Tavistock Society for Psychotherapist (TSP) and British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) Registered
Sinead Quinn Gestalt Counsellor, BACP member.
Dr Seb Randall, psychotherapist
Oyku Turker MA Clinical Psychology, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, MBACP Registered, TPD Accredited. Lecturer at University of Essex.
Sarah Wilson Integrative Counsellor MBACP Accredited CACDP stage 3 BSL
Obituary: Sue Davison
Sue, a valued member of The Stockwell Centre, died unexpectedly at the end of December 2011. You can read her obituary on The Guardian website. She will be greatly missed by colleagues and patients.
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Contact Info
01206 768211
The Stockwell Centre
44 East Stockwell Street
Essex CO1 1SRRegistered Charity No: